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Join WITS RHI as Data Capturer

Join WITS RHI as Data Capturer (Apply with Grade 12).

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Shutting date: 24 May 2024

Join WITS RHI as Data Capturer

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Primary motivation behind the gig: To precisely catch, confirm and store program information into a data set.

Key execution regions

  • Gather information either electronically or physically and lead quality affirmation e.g., missing information, mistakes
  • and so forth on location during administration arrangement.
  • Recognize missing information, irregularities and blunders and circle back to the staff answerable for finishing the various segments of the client document.
  • Confirm client personality numbers and phone numbers nearby and during information assortment.
  • Safely store client documents during administration arrangement and submit total and precise records to the
  • assigned individual in the workplace.
  • Gather and offer everyday site investigates administrations gave utilizing a normalized instrument.
  • Get and audit other source reports from various program exercises e.g., linkage instruments for
  • exactness e.g., biographic area should be something very similar in the SRH apparatus and the linkage device.
  • Catch secret program data on supported data sets (REDCAP/Tier.net).
  • Guarantee that information catching is finished fortuitously, where information assortment is done physically and that
  • there is no overabundance past the revealing period the announcing time frame.
  • Contrast information entered and source records and make vital revisions to data
  • entered in every one of the data sets being utilized.
  • Trade information went into the framework and direct information quality control/diagnostics.
  • Submit or potentially catch client documents to DoH offices keeping the rules given by the office/area DoH.
  • Recover and plan documents for client subsequent meet-ups
  • Archive and track the arrival of documents gave for follow-up administrations.
  • Guarantee that all staff individuals who are given client records for administration arrangement sign the documents out and in when they are returned.

Required least instruction and preparing

  • Grade 12 with fundamental PC and it are vital for type abilities.
  • Driver’s Permit (Code 8 or 10)

Advantageous extra schooling, work insight and individual capacities

  • Certificate in great clinical practice and involvement with projects will be a benefit.
  • The competitor ought to stand out to detail. Efficient and orderly with severe consistence to conventions. Great regulatory abilities are required along with working information on Microsoft Office and data set bundles. Ready to work to cutoff times.
  • Shown information catching pace and exactness.
  • Secrecy, judgment, and circumspection should constantly be kept up with.
  • Great relational abilities. Self-spurred and ready to fill in as a component of a multidisciplinary group.


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Step by step instructions to apply
Would it be advisable for you be keen on applying for this opportunity, if it’s not too much trouble, send an email to vacancy15@wrhi.ac.za. The subject heading of the email should peruse EM0041 – 2024 and the work title of position applying for. Kindly incorporate the accompanying documentation:

An introductory letter (greatest one page) that obviously states which opening you are applying for
A definite CV

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