(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start':new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=!0;j.src='https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f)})(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-T74JCJ4C') Social Worker Vacancy at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital

Social Worker Vacancy at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital

Department of Health welcomes applications for Social Worker Vacancy at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital

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Shutting date: 01 December 2023

Social Worker Vacancy at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital

Follow our Whatsapp channel for additional positions without joins: Follow Here
Reference Number : refs/019242

  • Directorate : Social Work-Remedial administrations
  • Number of Posts : 1
  • Bundle : R 294 411 .00 (per annum) (Comprehensive bundle)
  • Enquiries : Ms. Z.W Mathivha Tel No: 011 488 4880/4120

Prerequisites :

Formal tertiary capability in a social work, (for example Lone ranger of Social Work) that permits proficient enrollment with the SACSSP. Enrollment with the SACSSP as a Social Specialist.
Obligations :

Render wellbeing social work administrations with respect to the consideration, support, treatment, insurance, recovery and reintegration of weak people, gatherings, families and networks. Carry out essential and optional social work techniques.

Give coordinated and concentrated social work administrations inside a multidisciplinary group of wellbeing and restorative experts. Draw in with outside partners like other government divisions, NGOs and supporter for weak gatherings.

Produce composed reports, order month to month reports and insights. Capacity to work under tension and late night when required and be available to pivot inside the whole clinic like Pediatric unit, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Interior Medication, Emotional wellness and so on… A fruitful competitor should be ready to get oversight and give management to the understudies and have the option to work amicably inside friendly work group (office).

Notes :

Kindly note that the compensation will be changed by long stretches of involvement according to OSD strategy. Applications ought to be submitted on a (PDF Organization in particular) to the accompanying email-address: Medicalhr.Cmjah@gauteng.gov.za. Just web-based applications will be thought of. If it’s not too much trouble, Utilize THE REFERENCE AS THE SUBJECT.

The new Z83 should be completely finished (if it’s not too much trouble, allude on the left half of Z83 extraordinary notes for clearness), it should be initialed and marked. On the Z83 the Division where position was promoted it ought to state Branch of Wellbeing. As per Branch of Public Help and Organization (DPSA) Roundabout 19 of 2022, candidates are not expected to submit duplicates of capabilities and other important reports on application however should present a completely finished Z83 and a nitty gritty Educational program Vitae as it were.

The Educational plan Vitae ought to be as of late refreshed that determines the accompanying: All experience ought to be in a sequential request showing the position, foundation and particular dates demonstrating the beginning and finishing period (DD/MM/Y YYY). The data on the new Z83 should be in a state of harmony with the Educational program Vitae.

Just shortlisted competitors will be required/mentioned to submit affirmed duplicates of capabilities and other important reports at the latest the meeting. Faculty Appropriateness Checks (PSC) – Confirmation (Reference checks-Give no less than 3 off which one should be a prompt manager and should be contactable, the Division will claim all authority to lead check past names gave, where important.

Inability to present all the pertinent data going before the explanation above will bring about excluding the applicant. Character confirmation, capabilities check, criminal record checks, credit/monetary security checks and business check. In the event that you have not been reached inside three (90 days) after the end date, if it’s not too much trouble, acknowledge that your application was fruitless.


Up-and-comers possessing an unfamiliar capability should outfit the Office with an assessment testament from the South African Capabilities Authority (SAQA) (Just when shortlisted). The prescribed competitor might be exposed to clinical reconnaissance as expected by the Word related Wellbeing and Security Act, Act 5/1993.

Establishments maintains whatever authority is needed to use pragmatic activities/tests for non-SMS positions during the enrollment cycle to decide the appropriateness of contender for the posts). The Office save the right not to fill the post.

The Gauteng Division of Wellbeing is directed by the standards of Work Value. Individuals with handicaps, Hued Guys, Shaded Females, Indian Guys and Indian Females, White Guys and White Females, African Guys and African Females are urged to apply urged to apply.

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