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Grade 10 – Could you at any point fill in as Food Administration Help?

Might you at any point function as Food Administration Help? Just Grade 10 Expected to go after this section level job.

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Shutting date: 10 May 2024

Could you at any point fill in as Food Administration Help?

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FOOD Administrations Help
Compensation : R125 373 for every annum
Focus : Red Cross Conflict Dedication Kids’ Clinic, Rondebosch

Necessities :

Least necessity: Essential perusing, composing and mathematical abilities. Experience: Proper involvement with dinner planning/cooking inside a clinic climate. Inborn necessities of the gig: Eagerness to work shifts during the day, ends of the week and public occasions. The actual capacity to lift weighty gear and supplies and stand on feet for the majority of the day. Dress concurring the departmental/food administration determinations. Work a 10-hour day shift and ends of the week and public occasions (1 of every 2). Capabilities (information/abilities): Cooking information and abilities. Information on proper cleanliness and wellbeing systems in a modern food administration unit. The capacity to deal with modern gear. The capacity to really impart. The capacity to make delectable feasts.


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Obligations :

Pre-endlessly plan dinners for typical and unique eating regimens. Dish up and disseminate dinners. Help with the receipt and capacity of food supplies. Keep up with general cleanliness in the Food Administration Unit. Report broken contraption and gear. Keep up with security measures for device and gear. Help with the casual in-administration preparing as required.

ENQUIRIES : Ms M Coetzee Tel No: (021) 658-5407

APPLICATIONS : The CEO: Red Cross Conflict Dedication Kids’ Clinic, Confidential Pack X5, Rondebosch, 7700.

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FOR Consideration : Ms N Charles

NOTE : No installment of any sort is required while applying for this post.

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