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Laundry Specialist vacancies (X18 Posts) at Department of Health

Applications are open stronghold Laundry  Specialist Vacancies (X18 Posts) at Department of Health.

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Shutting date: 09 April 2024

Laundry Specialist vacancies (X18 Posts) at Department of Health

Follow our Whatsapp channel for additional positions without joins: Follow Here
Reference Number : REFS/020302
Directorate : Clothing
Number of Posts : 18
Bundle : R 125 373.00
Enquiries : MS. MIETA SEREKWA 012 564 6300 MS. Elizabeth Mashaba 012 564 6300
Area : MASAKHANE Commonplace Clothing AND COOKFREEZE Processing plant

Least of Grade 10, or identical capability required. Suitable experience will be a benefit. Great relational relations. Should be willing and ready to work nightshift.


Dump, Burden, sort, count, and crease material. Iron and press material on press and on pressing machines. Seal and mark material packs with labels. Keep up with tidiness of working region and hardware. Counting of material conveyance of tidy cloth and get grimy material.

Significant Notes:

The completely finished and marked new Z83 structure ought to be joined by a nitty gritty as of late refreshed CV, duplicates of your capabilities, character report and driver’s permit needn’t bother with to be connected upon application, just shortlisted competitors will get correspondence from HR to submit ensured duplicates upon the arrival of the meeting. Savvy ID card and Driver’s permit duplicates should be twofold sided. If it’s not too much trouble, guarantee that the reference number is accurately cited. The Commonplace Administration of Gauteng is focused on the accomplishment and upkeep of variety and value in business, particularly in regard of race, orientation, and handicap. PEAOPLE WITH Incapacities ARE ENCORAGED TO APPLY. All prescribed up-and-comers will be exposed to positive aftereffects of the security screening process which involves reference checks, criminal records check, capability confirmation and clinical reconnaissance. Deficient applications or applications got after the end date won’t be thought of.

Instructions to apply


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Applications should be submitted to Masakhane Common Clothing Corner Doreen and Piet Pretorius Road, Rosslyn or it tends to be posted Confidential Pack X6, Rosslyn, 0200.

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